

The Dordogne Valley

The Dordogne Valley

From the Correze to the Dordogne area.

Throughout his journey through the areas of Correze, Lot and Dordogne, the River Dordogne seems to have sown true splendors, that we suggest you to discover during your stay in the La Paille Basse.

Historically, it is not wrong to say that the river Dordogne was the main factor in the economic development of the regions it passes through. In the 18th and 19th centuries, the Dordogne was used by the boatmen, who, from the port of Spontour in Correze, carrying with their flat-bottomed boats (Cales Gabares), timber and local foods to the Bordeaux region. On the way back, they brought back salt, wine, fish and sometimes even products from the marine market.

Among the towns and villages along the Dordogne, we recommend you to visit :

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